What geographical region do you serve? Southern Ontario and Atlantic Canada
What events does your chapter have coming up?
Golf Tournament – June 16, 2021
We will be hosting various webinars throughout 2021, providing current and up-to-date technical and practical education sessions for our members. These would typically be carried out in person by way of a breakfast seminar or a Lunch and Learn, however, we have adapted the platform to that of a webinar to ensure we are providing our members with relevant information and learning opportunities while abiding by the local government restrictions on in-person activities due to COVID-19. Click here for registration information
How many cumulative years of experience do you have on your board?
The current IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter’s board of directors represents over 300 years of experience! Some of our board members are among the top executives in their organization.
In your opinion, what was the most successful event that your chapter has hosted in the past few years?
Our most successful event was the Christmas Luncheon held in December 2019. We hosted
over 200 members and had a total of nine corporate sponsors. A special video was actually produced which highlighted the chapter’s success over the past few years.
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the 2021 Christmas Luncheon scheduled for December 9, 2021!
Does your chapter donate to or support any local charities?
Yes! The IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter supports several charities, most recently including Habitat for Humanity, the Childhood Cancer Foundation, and the RCI-IIBEC Foundation.
To support Habitat for Humanity, we sold gingerbread house kids at our annual Christmas Luncheon. To support the Childhood Cancer Foundation, we provided them a hole at our golf tournament to set up their charity drive.
Industry advocacy is a universal initiative. Are you currently working on any advocacy issues for your members?
Our chapter has recently formed a new advocacy committee to help provide a greater voice for building enclosure consultants within our industry.
All of our members are the backbone of our organization, but do you have any who just seem to stand out?
Yes, and everyone knows who he is! Jean-Guy Levaque has long been an outstanding and exemplary member of IIBEC and IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter. He has always dedicated his time to the development and advocacy of IIBEC whether on the International Board (a past president) or providing mentorship to local professionals. He is a strong leader whom younger building enclosure consultants are fortunate to have the ability learn from.
2021 Board of Directors:
President: Allen Lyte
Vice President: Kevin Voorberg
Treasurer: Meagan Kikuta
Secretary: Adam Gotfraind
Immediate Past President: Denis Theriault
Education Director: Anthony Franchino
Membership Director: Lora Bourck
Advocacy Director: France Sigouin
Marketing Director: TBD
Social Director: Jay Cambell
Industry Director: John Mills
Maritime Branch Director: Gary Hamilton
Director at Large: Blair Gamracy
Director at Large: Rick Shaw
Director at Large: Shawn Irani
Don’t miss our monthly edition of IIBEC Chapter News covering even more information about upcoming and recent events held by the IIBEC’s Affiliated Chapters.
The 2025 IIBEC Building Enclosure Symposium (BES) is now accepting abstract submissions through January 17, 2025.
The 2025 IIBEC BES will take place at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, October 26-28, 2025. Will you be one of the presenters? IIBEC is seeking technical articles and presentations for consideration. Put your skills, knowledge, and talent to work for your profession!
Submit Your Abstract Today!
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