What if your company could host an informative RCI educational class right in your facility? You could save the transportation and housing costs of sending your own employees to a remote site while partnering with RCI.
RCI holds numerous education classes across North America throughout the year. We typically rent meeting locations in hotels to accommodate the classes. We are reaching out to see if our member firms have facility space that RCI could use instead.
Most classes accommodate 20-40 people, depending on the type of class. They can range from one to four days long, from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Audio-visual equipment, such as pull-down screens and microphones, and a flipchart are also required.
Current locations of interest are the Exterior Wall Technology & Science and Masonry Wall Systems classes scheduled for Phoenix, AZ, December 4-7, 2018; and Building Envelope Quality Assurance and Exterior Wall Quality Assurance in San Antonio, TX, December 12-14, 2018. We will also be looking for numerous locations in 2019.
If you are interested in hosting an RCI educational class, please contact Assistant Director of Conventions & Meetings Tina Hughes at 919-859-0742, 800-828-1902, or thughes@iibec.org.
The 2025 IIBEC Building Enclosure Symposium (BES) is now accepting abstract submissions through January 17, 2025.
The 2025 IIBEC BES will take place at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, October 26-28, 2025. Will you be one of the presenters? IIBEC is seeking technical articles and presentations for consideration. Put your skills, knowledge, and talent to work for your profession!
Submit Your Abstract Today!
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