Lightning protection systems safeguard structures from one of the most violent forces of nature. While the principles of lightning protection were established more than 250 years ago by Benjamin Franklin, the design and installation of lightning protection systems continue to evolve in response to advances in science and changes in architectural design, construction materials, and building technology.1 One area of ongoing innovation is lightning protection systems for occupied roofs. Rooftop terraces and gardens have become some of the most sought-after amenities in urban buildings. Tenants and condominium owners pay a premium for these design features and expect high-quality detailing and construction that does not distract from the views the rooftops provide. Anything installed on an occupied roof must also be robust enough to withstand damage, unintentional or otherwise, from people coming in contact with rooftop equipment. Lightning protection systems can satisfy these expectations, as demonstrated by several recently constructed buildings in downtown Chicago, Illinois. These case study projects illustrate innovative approaches to integrating lightning protection into roofing, parapets, and railings while still complying with North American standards. BEST PRACTICES Lightning protection is a specialized building system that must be integrated with electrical, structural, mechanical, and enclosure design and construction. The following guidelines will help building enclosure consultants to coordinate their work with other building systems.2 Codes: A lightning protection system should comply with the latest requirements of the North American consensus standards, including: • NFPA 780 – Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems, • LPI 175–Standard of Practice for the Design–Installation–Inspection of Lightning Protection Systems, • UL 96–Lightning Protection Components, • UL 96A – Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems, and • In Canada: CSA B72 – Installation Code for Lightning Protection Systems.3 Risk Assessment: Best practice requires building design professionals to conduct a lightning risk assessment to ensure public health, safety, and welfare. NFPA 780 contains a simplified risk assessment methodology that can be completed in as little as 15 minutes using free, online apps such as LightningRisk; performing an assessment does not require specialized knowledge or training. Building enclosure consultants can best serve their clients (and limit their own liability) by determining whether this risk assessment has been addressed by the client or other members of the client’s design team and, if necessary, discussing with the client who might be best qualified to do the assessment. System: Rooftop air terminals, informally called lightning rods, are the most visible element of a lightning protection system, yet they are only one part of a complete system. A system also includes a network of lightning conductors extending down a building to connect to ground electrodes embedded in the earth outside the structure’s foundations, bonding connections to metal objects on and within the structure, and surge protection devices on incoming power and data lines (Figure 1). Air terminals are not highly visible when viewed from the ground; they can be as small as 3/8-in. diameter, rise as little as 10 in. above surrounding construction, and be set back up to 24 in. from the building perimeter.4 Still, some designers would prefer that air terminals not be seen up close by someone on a terrace. For them, a strike termination device can be used instead of a conventional lightning rod. A strike termination device can be any permanent part of a structure made from metal at least 3/16-in. thick (0.064-in. thick for handrails) and made electrically continuous with the lightning protection system. Railings, shade structures, decorative items, and other metal fabrications can be used in lieu of air terminals to meet design requirements.5 Air terminals or strike termination devices must be located around a roof perimeter and at high points of a structure as determined by a “rolling sphere” analysis. The electrical charges capable of causing damage by lightning usually strike within a 150-ft. radius and are modeled 8 • IIBEC Interface February 2021 as if a 300-ft.-diameter sphere is rolled across a building’s surface; wherever the sphere touches the building is a location where lightning can attach to the building.6 Design: Most lightning protection systems can be specified by requiring compliance with North American consensus standards and then delegating the actual design to individuals holding Lightning Protection Institute (LPI) certification, based on rigorous examination, as a Master Installer/Designer or Master Installer. When practical, the lightning protection professional should be consulted early in the design process to help assure the lightning protection system will meet the project’s aesthetic requirements, be affordable, and provide reliable protection. Installation and Certification: Installation should also be entrusted to firms employing LPI-certified professionals. Lightning protection systems are not in the bailiwick of most building code officials, so third-party inspection and certification by the Lightning Protection Institute–Inspection Program (LPIIP) should be used for quality assurance; LPI-IP is the industry’s most comprehensive inspection program. Inspection and certification programs are also available for reroofing of or modifications to existing buildings.7 RENELLE ON THE RIVER Renelle on the River, a luxury condominum building at 403 N. Wabash Ave. in Chicago, uses railings as strike termination devices around its rooftop terrace, giving visitors unimpaired views of the Chicago River and the city’s skyline. The top rail of the parapet’s aluminum glazing system contains an extra-thick February 2021 IIBEC Interface • 9 Figure 1. Lightning protection requires a complete system that provides multiple paths to safely conduct lightning to ground. Credit: East Coast Lightning Equipment, Inc. The Original & Best Performing Liquid Flashing R • (800)562-5669 Ideal for Roofing, Waterproofing & Building Envelope Applications Fast Install with up to 50% Labor Savings Solid Monolithic & Waterproof Configuration Use on Vertical or Horizontal Applications Available in Multiple Sizes & Containers R channel sized to meet the metal thickness requirements for strike termination devices. The channel is made electrically continuous with steel balusters concealed inside the parapet’s framing members. The base of the balusters is attached to lightning protection conductor cables that lead to through-structure penetration devices and, from there, into the ground. In occupied roof areas, the connections and conductors are located beneath raised paving panels (Figures 2 and 3). NEMA BUILDING The NEMA (Chicago) at 1200 S. Indiana Ave. has commanding views of Grant Park. To honor the views, its architects specified railings as strike termination devices around the pool deck. The railings were installed on the inside face of the building’s extra-wide parapet, placing them more than 24 in. from the face of the building. This required air terminals to be installed on the parapet coping to satisfy a rolling sphere analysis (Figures 4 and 5). In this instance, the visual impact of the air terminals is minor, because the air terminals are outside the glass railing and below the common sight lines for views of the park. Lightning conductor cables connect the air terminals and the bottom of the balusters to through-structure penetration devices that connect with the rest of the lightning protection system. The conductors and through-structure penetration devices are concealed among the foliage in planter beds around the terrace. Figure 2. Views from the Renelle terrace are not inhibited by the lightning protection system. Photo courtesy of Belgravia Group. Figure 3. The glazed parapet railing system was specially detailed and installed to serve as a strike termination device. The cable trailing off to the left connects to a through-roof penetration and other rooftop lightning protection components. Photo courtesy of East Coast Lightning Equipment, Inc. Figure 4. NEMA building pool deck and terrace. Photo courtesy of Crescent Heights. Figure 5. The geometry of the building and the physics of lightning strikes required air terminals on the parapet cap in addition to a metal railing used as a strike termination device. Photo courtesy of East Coast Lightning Equipment, Inc. 10 • IIBEC Interface February 2021 THE PARAGON Instead of trying to minimize the appearance of the lightning protection system at the nearby Paragon building (1326 S. Michigan Ave.), the architect exalts the air terminals, making them a proud part of the tall wind screen. Aluminum air terminals are bolted to the tops of aluminum stanchions that, in turn, conduct lightning to beneath the elevated concrete roof pavers. There, lightning conductor cables connect the stanchions to throughstructure penetration devices that connect to down conductors inside the building (Figures 6, 7, and 8). Figure 6. Aluminum air terminals are mounted to the top of the windscreen baluster to extend the vertical lines of the building. Photo courtesy of East Coast Lightning Equipment, Inc. Figure 7. The metal balusters conduct lightning to beneath the deck pavers where they connect to lightning conductor cables leading to through-roof penetration devices. Photo courtesy of East Coast Lightning Equipment, Inc. Figure 8. The balusters and slender air terminals blend into downtown Chicago’s skyline. ©Solomon Cordwell Buenz / ©Dave Burk one third page.indd 1 9/11/2020 11:18:54 AM February 2021 IIBEC Interface • 11 ONE BENNETT PARK The richly appointed One Bennett Park (451 E. Grand Ave.) utilizes several creative techniques to incorporate rooftop lightning protection components into the building’s architectural features. Classically shaped, cast-bronze air terminals are used around a terrace located on a two-story-high podium. Viewed from the terrace, the air terminals are partially screened by foliage, and the masonry parapet is drilled so that conductor cables can run, out of sight, into the planters. However, the air terminals are visible from the street and are mounted on limestone pedestals aligned with the building’s fenestration (Figures 9 and 10). Terraces at upper levels utilize ornate metal railings, wind screens, and pergolas as strike termination devices (Figure 11). 155 N. WACKER Many tall buildings have building maintenance units (BMUs) or other roof-mounted devices for raising and lowering window-washing and exterior-maintenance crews. As these machines move from one location to another, they can bump into and damage air terminals. The potential for damage can be minimized by installing air terminals on spring adapters that will flex upon impact (Figure 12). The 155 N. Wacker building also has an extensive “green roof” that 12 • IIBEC Interface February 2021 Figure 9. The decorative air terminals are barely noticeable through the planter foliage. Photo courtesy of East Coast Lightning Equipment, Inc. Figure 11. The metal balcony and frames of the windscreens and pergola are made electrically continuous with the lightning protection system and used as strike termination devices. Credit: Peter Aaron/ Otto for Robert A.M. Stern Architects Figure 10. The ornamental cast-bronze air terminals are stylistically appropriate for the cladding’s classical limestone detailing. Photo courtesy of East Coast Lightning Equipment, Inc. required lightning protection system conductor cables to be installed beneath the rooftop plantings (Figure 13). A FINAL WORD ABOUT SAFETY More than a quarter of work-related lightning fatalities occur during roofing and construction activities. While lightning protection systems protect people inside buildings, they do not protect anyone on the roof. Building enclosure consultants should communicate to their clients and instruct their February 2021 IIBEC Interface • 13 Figure 12. Air terminals should be mounted on springs at locations vulnerable to damage by building maintenance units (shown), window washing, or other activities. Photo courtesy of East Coast Lightning Equipment, Inc. Figure 13. Rooftop conductors and throughstructure penetration devices can be coordinated with plantings and pavers on green roofs. Photo courtesy of East Coast Lightning Equipment, Inc. 2926 Chester Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 | (908) 647-0100 Unlike “weatherproofing”, a true waterproofing membrane will maintain its watertight integrity and prevent the passage of liquid under dynamic, static, continuous, or intermittent hydrostatic pressure. Black Pearl® is a true waterproofing membrane. Tenaciously adhered Black Pearl® waterproofing also prevents the passage of liquid water between the membrane and concrete substrates, even under 250 pounds per square inch of hydrostatic pressure. Black Pearl® also resists deterioration from common identified chemical exposure and resists root penetration. Offered with long term warranties assuring it will perform its waterproofing function, Black Pearl® is backed by the first name in American commercial moisture protection, The Barrett Company. BLACK PEARL® COLD SHEET APPLIED ROOFING & WATERPROOFING SYSTEM PICTURED: Application of Black Pearl® system on rooftop of 550 Madison Avenue in Manhattan, NYC. own personnel working in the field that, as the National Weather Service advises, “When thunder roars, go indoors.”8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Lightning Protection Institute and its members provide guidance and support to assure best practices for lightning protection systems. See The authors thank HLP Systems, Inc. for arranging access to rooftops. EDITOR’S NOTE A previous version of this article appeared in Building Enclosure, Winter 2020. REFERENCES 1. See, for example, Norman L. Fowler. “A Brief History of Lightning Protection.” Minutes of the Twenty-Fifth Explosives Safety Seminar, Volume III. August, 1992. Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board. https://apps. 2. To learn more about the basics of lightning protection, see and 3. North American standards do not recognize the overblown claims for early streamer emission or charge dissipation systems; an article explaining concerns about these non-recognized systems is at 4. Some photos in articles have been retouched to make the air terminals more visible. 5. For more about strike termination devices, see StrikeTerminationDevices. 6. See for an animation of rolling sphere technique for determining placement of air terminals. 7. Information on inspection and building certifications programs is at 8. OSHA Fact Sheet. “Lightning Safety When Working Outdoors.” gov/media/owlie/OSHA_FS-3863_ Lightning_Safety_05-2016.pdf. Jennifer Morgan is a co-owner of East Coast Lightning Equipment. She can be reached via ecle. biz. Jennifer Morgan Michael Chusid, RA, FCSI, is an expert in building products and can be reached via www.chusid. com. Michael Chusid, RA FCSI 14 • IIBEC Interface February 2021 Billerica Memorial High School’s designers, Perkins&Will, of Boston, Massachusetts, set out to create a space where students and their teachers could see things in a different way. The target of LEED AP Silver Certification is evident in the many windows and glass claddings, which also serve to lend an airy, open feeling to the building by channeling sunlight into the building’s interior. The educators’ desire to integrate subjects and literally break down walls is reflected in the multi-story “town centers,” featuring labs and universal classrooms, which flank open, flexible spaces. Carbon-conscious detailing included the use of Forest Stewardship Council-certified spruce timber, and a “high-performance insulated envelope (with attention to thermal bridging).”1 The history of the town of Billerica as a mill town was also considered and integrated into the design in the shape of traditional materials like brick, which is corbeled to create the perception of movement as the angle of the light from the sun changes over the course of the day. Ash ceilings in the tall, open area top a bright, cheerful space. The introduction to the project on the Perkins&Will website notes, “It’s a concept we’ve called reflection with direction—honoring the past, aiming for the future—and it’s woven throughout the fabric of the new building’s architecture, detailing, and branding. The school demonstrates how simplicity gives rise to depth, and how we, collectively, can be re-made.” Watch a short video about the new school and its effect on and integration with the community of Billerica at this link: — Architectural Record, Perkins&Will 1. Broome, Beth. 2021. “Billerica Memorial High School by Perkins&Will.” Architectural Record. memorial-high-school-by-perkinswill (accessed 1/4/2021) Billerica Memorial High School Photos from are © Chuck Choi. C M Y CM MY CY CMY K
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