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RCI Chapter News – March 2019

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March 28, 2019

News by Chapter: Georgia Chapter | Northern California Chapter | So Cal Chapter

Other Chapter News: RCI Foundations Receive Chapter Donations | Chapters Complete Chapter Awards Program, Earn Recognition

Upcoming Chapter Events

Georgia Chapter Announces Shotgun Blast

By Georgia Chapter Vice President Richard Johnson
gun blast photo
The Georgia Chapter’s 2018 event was a big success.

The Georgia Chapter of RCI, Inc. will host their second annual Shotgun Blast event on April 16, 2019, on Garland Mountain in Waleska, GA. The event will include demonstrations, contests, networking, and a sporting clay shoot.

The event will start at 9 a.m. with a mandatory sign-in. There will be a vendor show from 9 to 10:30 a.m., and then a clay shoot from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Individual registration is $150, or register a foursome for $500. Raffle tickets can be purchased for $20 each or six for $100.

Sponsorships are available at the following levels:
Platinum: $1500 (booth, two shooters, and station sign)
Gold: $1000 (booth, one shooter and station sign)
Silver: $500 (booth, station sign)

Last year the chapter raised over $6000, which was put towards scholarships in the state.

You can get more information and register for the event on their website.

bers presenting
Gerson Bers begins his discussion on float glass and insulated glazing.

Northern California Chapter Elects Officers, Hosts Technical Dinner

By Luise Hipolito for RCI NorCal Chapter

The Northern California chapter of RCI, Inc. is pleased to announce its 2019 Board of Directors:

  • President Jerome Jeffers, RBEC, CCS, CCCA
  • Vice President Megan Cross-Wilkinson, EIT
  • Director at Large – Industry Eric Smith, PE
  • Director at Large – Consultant Rob Worthing
  • Director at Large – Industry Bill Gillette
  • Director at Large – Consultant David Markman
  • Director at Large – Consultant Tom Berger
  • Past President Jonathan Stafford

On February 6, 2019, the Northern California chapter of RCI hosted a technical dinner meeting at Scott’s Seafood Grill & Bar with guest Gerson Bers delivering a talk on modern glass production. Bers is the vice president at Allana, Buick & Bers, a building envelope consultancy based in Palo Alto, CA.

attendees listen
Attendees enjoyed dinner followed by a glass manufacturing presentation at Scott’s Seafood in picturesque Jack London Square.

The presentation gave a brief overview of the history of glass production, with guests learning about modern manufacturing processes and their effects on current projects. Additionally, attendees were treated to a virtual tour of a float glass manufacturing facility. The discussion concluded with a review of post-production glazing processes and fabrication of insulated glazing units.

There were 40 attendees and six tabletop sponsors. Upcoming technical dinners and other events can be found at

So Cal Chapter Hosts Technical Dinner

Ivan Chak
So Cal Chapter Vice President Ivan Chak kicks off the meeting.
By So Cal Industry Director Arturo Ortiz, Jr.

The So Cal Chapter of RCI, Inc. hosted its first technical dinner meeting of their 2019 education series on February 21, at JT Schmid’s Restaurant & Brewery in Anaheim, CA.

Approximately 26 attendees came out to enjoy some great networking, along with refreshing beverages and some delicious dinner plates. Chapter Vice President Ivan Chak got things going as the host for the event, introducing the new 2019 So Cal Chapter board of directors who were in attendance.

Szymon Zienkiewicz
Region V Director Szymon Zienkiewicz providing updates on national and regional RCI Inc. news.

Also in the audience was Region V Director Szymon Zienkiewicz. Zienkiewicz gave national- and regional-level updates, including discussing the RCI, Inc. re-branding efforts and the upcoming Region V meeting at the Western Roofing Expo in Las Vegas, NV on June 12. (You can download the registration form in Word .doc format or visit the WSRCA website for more information.

The guest speaker was Osvaldo Joya, director of pre-construction with LJP Construction Services. Joya presented on the topic of “Constructability of One-Coat Stucco and EIF Systems,” drawing on his past project experiences and role as a certified EIFS inspector.

Osvaldo Joya
Osvaldo Joya discussing EIFS constructability challenges.

Joya discussed topics such as identifying key differences between traditional stucco, one-coat stucco, and EIFS. He highlighted challenges with insurance coverage and exclusions for EIFS, and dove into multiple aspects of EIFS, including design, construction, and field QA/QC inspection. Joya also spoke to the importance of critical components to verify on EIFS. The presentation concluded with a Q&A session with good audience participation and interaction between consultants and industry members alike.

The chapter was pleased to start their year with an informative and engaging technical presentation, and would like to thank Osvaldo Joya for his time and valuable contributions. All attendees earned one hour of RCI CEHs and AIA LUs. The chapter also extends their appreciation to event tabletop sponsors Robert Larez of Axis Building Envelope Design and Jim Hill of BASF Senergy Wall Systems.

RCI Foundations Receive Generous Donations from Chapters

Many of our chapters donated to the RCI Foundations this year, and presented their checks to Foundation Chair Joe Hale while at the RCI 2019 International Convention and Trade Show. Chapter donations to the US and Canadian Foundations totaled $40,100.00.

Chicago Area Chapter, L to R: Tom Varga, David Sacks, Patrick Reicher, Ray Makiejus, Joe Hale, Charles Sietmann, Allysia Younquist, and Pat Giblin.
Carolinas Chapter
Carolinas Chapter, from L to R: Tom Siebert, Lonnie Coggins, Joe Hale, Scott Singleton, Tim Stokes
Central TX
Central Texas Chapter: Joe Hale is presented a check by Dennis Wilson
Delaware Valley Chapter
Delware Valley Chapter, from L to R: Dana Landis, Robert Zmijewski, Joe Hale, and Julie Palmer.
Denver Chapter
Denver Chapter, from L to R: Peter Hovanec, Dale Strutt, Joe Hale, and Logan Christensen.
Georgia Chapter
Georgia Chapter, from L to R: Kneeling: Bob Kenney, Bryce McQueen, Pierce Ward, and Harry Lubitz. Standing, same order: Chris Dawkins, Chris Giffin, Tim Wintemute, Rich Chapman Jr., Joe Hale, Chip Ward, Brian Lauderdale, and James Hoag.
Gulf Coast
Gulf Coast Chapter President Steven Spencer and Joe Hale.
Mid America Chapter
Mid America Chapter, from L to R: Daniel Bryson Jr., Ken Hunt, Mike Bock, Joe Hale, Gene Keeton, and Nathan Bryson.
Mid Atlantic Chapter
Joe Hale and Mid Atlantic Chapter President Michael Hebert.
Mid South
Mid-South President Mike Spach and Joe Hale.
New England
Joe Hale poses with New England Chapter President Shawn Vetere.
Northern California
Northern California Chapter, from L to R: Joseph Buccini, Rob Worthing, Jr., Joe Hale, Jerome Jeffers, and Jonathan Stafford.
North Texas
North Texas Chapter, from L to R: Bill Hobgood III, Bryan Staffel, Joe Hale, Cristal Green, and Andrew Stevens.
Ontario Chapter
Ontario Chapter, from L to R: Daniel Ferrari, Jay Campbell, Michael DeSilva, Meagan Kikuta, Gary Hamilton, Joe Hale, Shawn Irani, John Mills, Jennifer Hogan, and William Allen Lyte.
Portland Chapter
Portland Chapter, from L to R: John Kouba, Joe Hale, and Faron Hall.
So Cal Chapter
So Cal Chapter, from L to R: Dean Larsen, Joe Hale, Szymon Zienkiewicz, and Arturo Ortiz.

Chapters Honored For Completing Outstanding Chapter Awards Program

Eighteen chapters earned awards as silver-, platinum-, and gold-level awardees in the Outstanding RCI Affiliated Chapter Awards Program, presented by Secretary/Treasurer Ted Sheridan. Awardees were:

  • Platinum level: Chicago Area Chapter of the RCI, Inc.; Georgia Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Great Lakes Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Ontario Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Puget Sound Chapter of RCI, Inc., and So Cal Chapter of RCI, Inc.
  • Gold level: Mid Atlantic Chapter of RCI, Inc.; North Texas Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Ohio Valley Chapter of RCI, Inc., Portland Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Western Canada Chapter of RCI, Inc.
  • Silver level: Canadian Prairies Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Carolinas Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Central Texas Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Delaware Valley Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Denver Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Mid America Chapter of RCI, Inc.; Mid-South Chapter of RCI, Inc.

The following chapters were recognized for their effort in the application process: Metro NY Chapter of RCI, Inc.; and Northern California Chapter of RCI, Inc.

As a newly established chapter, the Northern California Chapter has exceeded all expectations and submitted an award application during their initial year. This chapter is to be commended for their strong leadership and growth. Well done, team!

Platinum-Level Awards

Chicago Area Chapter Award
Chicago Area Chapter
Georgia Chapter
Great Lakes Award
Great Lakes Chapter
Ontario Chapter
Ontario Chapter
Puget Sound Award
Puget Sound Chapter
So Cal Chapter
So Cal Chapter

Gold Level Awards

Mid Atlantic
Mid Atlantic Chapter
North Texas
North Texas Chapter
Ohio Valley Award
Ohio Valley Chapter
Portland Chapter Award
Portland Chapter
Western Canada Award
Western Canada Chapter

Silver Level Awards

Canadian Prairies
Canadian Prairies Chapter
Carolinas Chapter Award
Carolinas Chapter
Central Texas Award
Central Texas Chapter
Delaware Valley
Delaware Valley Chapter
Denver Chapter Award
Denver Chapter
Mid America Award
Mid-America Chapter

Upcoming Chapter Events

April 11-12, 2019 – Ontario Chapter Professional Building Consulting class (16 CEHs)
April 12, 2019 – Northern California Chapter Construction Disasters Event with CSI East Bay
April 16, 2019 – Georgia Chapter Shotgun Blast
April 18, 2019 – Canadian Prairies Chapter Lunch ‘n’ Learn; So Cal Chapter Golf Tournament; Mid South Chapter Meeting; Deadline for Abstracts for IIBEC 2019 Building Enclosure Symposium
April 20, 2019 – Mid South Chapter Service Day (Habitat for Humanity)
April 24, 2019 – Denver Chapter Joint Seminar with CRA featuring Reid Ribble
April 27, 2019 – Chicago Area Chapter Rebuilding Event with CSI Chicago

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