The Fifth National Convention of RCI officially opened in Chicago on Sunday, March 18, 1990, with the Certified Roof Consultant (CRC) examination (now the Registered Roof Consultant or RRC). A roomful of hopefuls labored for six hours on the exam (see photo). And the next day, Credentials Committee Chair John Willers (pictured here) announced the exam would subsequently be expanded to eight hours. At that time, what is now the Registrations Committee was working on a Certified Roof Observer certification (now the Registered Roof Observer or RRO). By that July, President Jim Magowan reported the number of CRCs at 56. And in September, David J. Laks of Scarborough, ON, was the first Canadian to earn the CRC.
Newly elected region directors in 1990 were Tom White, Region 1; Art Sark, Region 2; and John Gimple, Region 5 (the regions were drawn differently from the present). Phil Dregger was later elected as Region 6 director to succeed Sam Huff, who was elected national treasurer at the convention. Curt Liscum was appointed director of Region 4 later that year.
In response to Hurricane Hugo, which had struck South Carolina and Puerto Rico the year before, RCI organized a Disaster Response Program to gather data on roof damage during wind events. Allan Kidd spearheaded the program.
John Willers in 1990.
Hopeful applicants take the first RRC (then CRC) examination in 1990.
Committee chairs were RCI Manual Committee, D.B. “Ben” Hales; Membership, Robert W. Phillips, Jr.; Credentials, John Willers; Nominating, George Kanz; Convention, Donna Kuehn (a woman!); Code of Ethics, George Kanz; Finance and Long Range Planning, Richard “Dick” Canon; Roof Consultants Standards & Practices, Harold Crooks; Nondestructive Testing, Chris Campbell; Roofing Products Performance, Richard Moore; Construction Inspectors/Observers, Harold Crooks; Research, Roy Frady; Building Codes & Standards, Sy Elakman; Glossary of Terms, Thomas White; Asbestos, Joe Hale; Curtainwall & Waterproofing, Bruce Tolf; Publications, George Beck; Professional Association Liaison, Art Sark; Educational Services, James Magowan.
The 2025 IIBEC Building Enclosure Symposium (BES) is now accepting abstract submissions through January 17, 2025.
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