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Chapter News – February 2018

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February 26, 2018

News by Chapter : Chicago Area Chapter | Mid America Chapter | Mid-Atlantic Chapter | So Cal Chapter

Upcoming Chapter Events

CAC-RCI Holds Fall Program and Annual Meeting

By Chicago Area Chapter Treasurer Patrick Reicher

The Chicago Area Chapter of RCI, Inc. (CAC-RCI) conducted its Fall Program on Friday, November 10, 2017, at The Village Links of Glen Ellyn in suburban Chicago. Tabletop exhibitors included Tecta America, SJ Mallein Co., Versico Roofing Systems, Soprema, and Sheet Metal Supply Ltd. Due to the generous support of the tabletop exhibitors, registration for this event was only $5 for professionals and RCI Consultant and Consultant Affiliate members!

The first program presentation was “Top 15 Hot Button Roofing Issues” by Andrea Baird, Carole Ceja, Sarah Flock, and Patrick Reicher of Raths, Raths, and Johnson, Inc. The second presentation was “Black vs. White Membrane – What Is the Energy-Efficient Choice?” by Alan Jorzak of Versico Roofing Systems. Both topics engaged the group of approximately 60 CAC-RCI members, speakers, guests, and exhibitors. Two RCI CEHs were earned by all attendees at the conclusion of the event.

CAC-RCI also hosted its Annual Meeting & Program for the 15th consecutive year, on Wednesday, January 17, 2018, at Hamburger University, located on McDonald’s corporate campus in Oak Brook, Illinois. A mixture of approximately 125 consultants, contractors, architects, engineers, facility managers, and manufacturers participated in the one-day program that featured four technical presentations (worth six CEHs) and ample networking opportunities.

Matthew Durrett presents “Roofing/Waterproofing Testing and Monitoring.”
Tabletop exhibitors included: A&D Products LLC, American Hydrotech Inc., Architectural Building Solutions, AVM Industries Inc., BASF Corporation, Chicago Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA), International Leak Detection, Sika Sarnafil, Soprema/Chemlink, SJ Mallein Co., and Tecta America.

Technical sessions included: “Roofing/Waterproofing Testing and Monitoring” by Matthew Durrett of International Leak Detection; “Window Condensation Problems, Why Now?” by Robert Kudder and Sarah Flock of Raths, Raths, and Johnson, Inc.; “ASCE 7-16: An Overview of Changes Pertaining to Roof Systems and Rooftop Equipment” by Thomas Smith of TLSmith Consulting Inc.; and “The Proper Way to Specify an Air Barrier to Meet ASHRAE 90.1, IECC-2015, IGCC, and LEED v4.0″ by Roy Schauffele of Division 7 Solutions, Inc.

Bill McHugh discusses the relationship between CAC-RCI and CRCA.
Following the technical sessions, President John Dashner convened a brief CAC-RCI business meeting before turning over the gavel to the new CAC-RCI president, Jeff Valentine. The proceedings then adjourned to the CAC Building Envelope Foundation’s Third Annual Cocktail Reception. This year’s cocktail reception was co-sponsored by Interstate Roof Systems Consultants, Inc.

As with previous years’ programs, CAC-RCI coordinated efforts with the Chicago Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA), which held its 35th Annual Trade Show at the nearby Drury Lane Conference Center the two days following the CAC-RCI Annual Meeting.

With 2018 now in full swing, CAC-RCI is gearing up for spring programs following the 2018 RCI International Convention & Trade Show. CAC-RCI will be sponsoring the Architectural Sheet Metal Flashing Design Educational Program (register Here). This program will be held on April 20, 2018, at the Marriott in Oakbrook, Illinois. Hope to see you there!

Save the Date for the Mid America Chapter’s Annual Meeting

By Mid America Chapter Past President Andrea Goodhope

The The Mid America Chapter of RCI, Inc. (RCI-MAC) is planning to have their Annual Membership Meeting in conjunction with a Lunch-and-Learn in St. Louis on April 4, 2018.

Mid-Atlantic Chapter holds Annual Dinner

By Mid-Atlantic Chapter Secretary Julie McDonald

The Mid Atlantic Chapter of RCI, Inc. held its Annual Dinner on January 24, 2018, at Wildfire in Tysons Corner, Virginia. Forty members were present to enjoy networking and dinner. The chapter was pleased to have RCI, Inc. CEO Lionel van der Walt, RCI President Michael Williams, and Region I Director Michael Violette also in attendance.

For more information about this event and future events or other chapter information, visit the Mid Atlantic Chapter website, or contact Julie McDonald at or Dan Mathews at

So Cal Chapter Hosts Another Successful Winter Workshop in Hawaii

By Hawaii Workshop Committee Chair / Chapter Treasurer Ivan Chak

The So Cal Chapter of RCI held its 18th Annual Hawaii Winter Workshop on January 11 and 12, 2018, in the Hilton Hawaiian Village, located in the heart of Waikiki, HI. Approximately 90 attendees flew in from all over North America to partake in the two-day program, which hosted a dynamic and energetic group of speakers who discussed a wide range of topics pertaining to the quality control and quality assurance (QA/QC) of roofing, waterproofing, and exterior walls.

The chapter would like to thank the following workshop presenters for all of their hard work and kind participation:

A full program agenda of presentation topics is available on the So Cal Chapter of RCI’s website.

The chapter had yet another strong year of event sponsorship support, with 15 participating tabletop exhibitors and one banner sponsor. For the first time ever, the exhibition tour was organized in a timed, round-robin style. Each team of three to five workshop attendees rotated around all the table displays on the event floor, engaging with each exhibitor for several minutes and receiving a raffle ticket for their participation. Many attendees and exhibitors enjoyed the change of pace and the opportunity to meet and talk with each other in a quick-tempo, lively environment.

The first day of the seminar concluded with an enjoyable breezeway networking reception sponsored by the platinum event sponsor, Versico. Thomas Brand of DryTec was the lucky winner of our raffle prize drawing, and took home an Amazon Echo Dot device and a Sonos Play:1 compact Bluetooth speaker. The chapter hopes he enjoys his cool new toys!

Several sponsors made the event possible, and in particular, the chapter would like to thank the following:

The chapter hopes to see you next year.

Upcoming Events

February 26, 2018: Lunch and Learn – North Texas Chapter
March 1, 2018: Tampa Special Event – Florida Chapter
March 7, 2018: Breakfast Seminar: New Legislation – Highlights of Bill 142 – Ontario Chapter
March 15, 2018: Chapter Meeting and Education Presentation – Portland Chapter
March 22-27, 2018: 2018 RCI International Convention & Trade Show in Houston, TX