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Friends, Colleagues Celebrate Willers at Retirement Party 

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April 6, 2023
John Willers (middle) at his retirement party, standing with IIBEC’s Alec Jeffries (left) and Karen McElroy (right)

A retirement party for former IIBEC President John Willers (2008–2009), F-IIBEC, RRC, PE, founder of Rooftop System Engineers, brought out friends and colleagues for a celebration of Willers and all that he has accomplished during his career. Willers, who officially retired at the end of March, was the eighth recipient of the RRC designation from RCI (now IIBEC). “He was only #8 because Mr. Willers was seated alphabetically for the first class,” said Raymond Engineering-Georgia in a news brief announcing Willers’ retirement.

The news brief continued, “At 80 years old, John is one of the longest serving members of IIBEC at his retirement. John began Rooftop Systems Engineers in 1996 and sold the successful, nearly 20-year-old company to friend and former S&ME colleague Ray Ramos in 2015. John’s most notable projects include the Atlantic City Convention Center in Atlantic City, NJ; the reroofing of the historic Tryon Palace in New Bern, NC; the North Carolina Legislature Building; and the domes of both the Capitol of North Carolina and Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh, NC.”

John Willers (right) with IIBEC’s Karen McElroy (middle) and Baker Roofing’s Frank Baker (left)

The news brief concluded with a tribute to Willers’s personal character and beliefs. “John views his greatest accomplishments as service to God, family, and country. A lifelong Lutheran, he credits his German-born parents and upbringing on an Iowa family farm, his wife of 56 years and former business partner Elaine, son David, PE, RBEC, and daughter Sarah, who is a self-made artist, as well as service in the US Army Corps of Engineers, for making him the man he is today.”