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IIBEC Chapter News – November and December 2019

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December 28, 2019

News by Chapter: Chicago Area Chapter | Great Lakes Chapter | Puget Sound Chapter | Southern Ontario Chapter | Virginia Chapter

Interested in volunteering for the San Antonio Branch of the IIBEC Central Texas Chapter? Please contact Pete Keener for further information.

Chicago Area Chapter Fall Program and Holiday Social

By Chicago Area Chapter Vice President Patrick Reicher

The IIBEC Chicago Area Chapter conducted its fall program and holiday social on Friday, November 22, 2019, at Revolution Brewing Brew Pub in Chicago, IL. In the spirit of the holidays, $5 of every registration fee was donated to Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.

The event was attended by approximately 55 chapter members, speakers, guests, and exhibitors. The chapter was especially excited that IIBEC’s new EVP and CEO Brian Pallasch, President Bob Card, and Senior Director of Technical Services Emily Lorenz joined them for this great event. Tabletop exhibitors included Tecta America, Hydrotech, IR Analyzers, Architectural Building Solutions, and Comstruct Sales. The chapter is sincerely thankful to the tabletop exhibitors for supporting their annual event.

Kim Lis discusses the history of the Edgewater Beach Garden Terrace Renovation.
The first program presentation was “Edgewater Beach Apartments Garden Terrace Renovation,” by Kim Lis and Jason Aspin of Wiss, Janney, Elstner and Associates, Inc. The second presentation was “Non-Destructive Roof Moisture Surveys – A Practical Review,” by Rolf Snobeck of Tecta America Corp. Both presentations were well received and provided an opportunity for attendees to interact with the speakers. Following the educational program, the IIBEC Chicago Area Chapter sponsored a holiday social and open bar happy hour to cap off a great day of learning and networking.
Rolf Snobeck entertains the crowd with the history of roof moisture surveys.
With winter approaching, IIBEC Chicago Area Chapter is gearing up for the 2020 Annual Meeting and Program scheduled for January 15, 2020, at Hamburger University in Oakbrook, IL. Registration for this event is open. Please check the following link for event details and registration:

Great Lakes Chapter Hosts Holiday Event

By IIBEC Great Lakes Chapter Treasurer Rick Bresso

On Friday, December 6, 2019, the IIBEC Great Lakes Chapter hosted a holiday party and annual membership meeting at the Silver Garden Events Center in Southfield, MI. The evening began with a cocktail hour, followed by the annual membership meeting and a dinner buffet. It concluded with an introduction of the IIBEC Great Lakes Chapter board members and the passing of the president’s gavel. Attendees were encouraged to bring a Christmas gift to be donated to the Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals.

Puget Sound Chapter Hosts Successful Event

By IIBEC President Bob Card

The IIBEC Puget Sound Chapter held their end-of-year meeting and social event. IIBEC President Bob Card was honored with the chapter’s lifetime achievement award. Region V director Szymon Zienkiwicz reportedly “cleaned up” in the raffle, winning a number of items and a safe to keep them in.

The chapter’s local Duro-Last rep, Will Williams (left), was honored as sponsor of the year by outgoing Chapter President Daniel Hauenstein.
Incoming chapter President Jordan Crump (left) and outgoing chapter President Daniel Hauenstein.
IIBEC President Bob Card (left) was honored with a lifetime achievement award.
IIBEC Region V Director Szymon Zienkiewicz won numerous raffle prizes.
Zienkiewicz’s pile of swag.

Southern Ontario Chapter Holds RTQA Class

By IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter Director Meagan Kikuta

The IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter’s Rooftop Quality Assurance course was held on Friday, November 15, 2019, at The Toronto Construction Association head office in Richmond Hill, ON. The course was a great success with two presenters and 38 attendees.

The IIBEC Southern Ontario Chapter (SOC) would like to thank presenters Jean-Guy Levaque from WSP and Doug Fishburn from Fishburn Building Sciences. On-site facilitation was provided by Matthew Bielawski from IKO.

Jean-Guy Levaque was one of the presenters at the recent Southern Ontario Chapter Rooftop Quality Assurance class.

The annual Christmas lunch was held on December 12, 2019, at the Paramount EventSpace in Woodbridge. Sponsors included:

The IIBEC SOC annual general meeting and curling social event will be held on Friday, January 31, 2020, at St. George’s Golf and Country Club.

Visit the IIBEC SOC website,, for details on all upcoming events.

Follow the chapter on Facebook and LinkedIn for up-to-date event information.

Virginia Chapter Holds Educational Conference

By IIBEC Virginia Chapter Vice President April McKelvey

On October 24, 2019, the IIBEC Virginia Chapter hosted an educational event at the Branch House Museum in Richmond, VA. Speakers and topics included:

  • “Masonry Restoration,” presented by Roy Ingraffia, International Masonry Institute
  • “Can a Poor Air Seal Cause Roof Failure?” presented by Tim Mills, TAM Consultants
  • “Advanced Waterproofing Solutions with a PUMA System,” presented by Todd Skopic, Henry Company
  • “Various Roofing Systems’ Performance in Withstanding Impacts From Large Hailstones from 2009 and 2013 Case Studies,” presented by Chris Dawkins, IIBEC Region II Director
  • “Building Envelope Commissioning,” presented by Keith Nelson, ECS Mid-Atlantic