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IIBEC Joins Over 200 Signatories Calling for Congress to Open Its Doors

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March 13, 2022

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, IIBEC joined with 210 parties on a letter to congressional leaders asking to discuss how to safely and securely reopen Capitol Hill.

IIBEC is a sponsor of the upcoming 2022 Roofing Day, happening April 5-6, which will bring industry leaders to Capitol Hill to discuss critical issues. IIBEC believes it is time to start discussing how and when to reopen House and Senate office buildings so constituents have in-person access to their elected officials.

“Nothing beats an in-person meeting when you are building relationships and discussing important issues that affect your business and the building enclosure profession,” said Brian Pallasch, chief executive officer and executive vice president of IIBEC.

John Boling, IIBEC’s director of government relations and a board member of the National Institute of Lobbying & Ethics, which spearheaded the letter, noted, “The country is reopening. Schools, grocery stores, and most state governments are open and doing it safely. It’s time for Congress to follow.”

Read the letter.