Established by the U.S. Congress in 1974, the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) has, from its beginnings, served as an authoritative source of information on building science and technology. More than four decades since its founding, this nonprofit, nongovernmental organization still brings the public and private sectors together to find solutions to make buildings better, safer, more economical places to live, work, play and learn.
With those concerns in mind, the Institute sent a number of building-related recommendations to the Trump Administration today.
The over-arching priorities are to:
The Institute offers a number of actions that the Trump Administration, federal agencies, state and local governments, and the building industry can take to achieve safer, high-performance buildings and communities that will save the government, businesses, building owners, and families money in the long term.
From seismic safety to building information modeling, members of the Institute’s Councils and Committees—among them some of the most renowned experts in their respective fields—address a wide range of building-related issues. Over the course of its 43-year history, the Institute has offered presidents, the U.S. Congress, and federal agencies input, testimonies and recommendations on a host of building topics. The Institute continues to remain a non-partisan authoritative source for the federal government and the nation’s building industry.
RCI is represented on NIBS’s Consultative Council by RCI Senior Director of Technical Services Wanda Edwards.
Download the Recommendations.
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