A little over a year ago, RCI’s Publications Department took a series of steps that enabled the association to greatly expand its digital publishing footprint. We hired Assistant Director of Publications Katherine “Katey” Springle Lempka, who brought digital experience to the department. Director of Marketing Communications William Myers also redesigned RCI’s website. This enabled us to expand our communication venues with the following:
RCI’s Publications Department staff produces and publishes numerous articles throughout the month, publishing them on the RCI Newsfeed and drawing attention to their publication via e-mail. These are accessible at any time on RCI’s website at iibec.org. On occasion, we solicit input for articles from officers, committee members, and other experts among our membership. Many of our Newsfeed articles are also posted on RCI’s Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter sites. We welcome input on any such communications.
The ability to augment our traditional print capabilities has also expanded opportunities for our members. Some have asked us how to express their support for RCI’s offerings and activities, and how to discuss building envelope issues of concern to themselves, our members, potential members, and the industry at large through digital media.
As a result, we have developed an RCI Social Media Use Policy, published below and available at iibec.org.
RCI, Inc. is blessed as an international organization comprised of learned members with informed opinions and positions on a myriad of industry-related issues. The association cannot (nor would we wish to) police the social media postings of its members. While we encourage open discourse on any platform, here are a few things to keep in mind when using social media in relation to RCI.
Express yourself, but let’s be careful out there.
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