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Region Director Voting is Open

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January 9, 2020

voting boxIt’s election time! Please keep an eye on your email, as you should have received your electronic ballot to submit your vote for your respective region director on the morning of January 6. This election will run from January 6 until voting closes at midnight Eastern Standard Time on January 20. All ballots will be tabulated by third-party election services company, Survey and Ballot Systems, with our new 2020 region directors being announced shortly thereafter. Should you have any questions, or if you did not receive your ballot, please contact Manager of Region and Chapter Relations Tara Cottle.

Please note, IIBEC Executive Committee officer elections will take place starting January 27, with the preliminary election ending on February 10.  This election will re-open for in-person voting and onsite ballot tabulation at the Annual Meeting of the Members, taking place on Monday, March 30, 2020 at the IIBEC international Convention and Trade Show in Houston, Texas.  The 2020-2021 IIBEC Board of Directors will assume their new positions at the conclusion of the meeting.